Setting and tasks
The Central Welfare Board of Jews in Germany (ZWST), since 1956 member of the Federal Association of non-statutory welfare work, represents Jewish regional organizations and Jewish communities within the general framework of non-statutory welfare work. It represents the network of the Jewish welfare in Germany and constitutes its central organization.
The ZWST is responsible for safeguarding general and specific Jewish interests through legislative and administrative procedures within the range of social welfare service. It treats social interests of its members and promotes necessary social communication channels to co-operation with the corresponding regional organizations and communities.
The ZWST was created in 1917 as the Central Board of Jewish Welfare in Germany to coordinate various social mechanisms of a once flourishing Jewish community. In 1939 under the rule of National Socialism the ZWST was disbanded. In 1951 the Board was re-organized under its current name primarily to assist the Holocaust survivors. The ZWST literally began its work as an one-man enterprise. Today about 120 employees belong to the nucleus staff of this welfare organisation. Additionally there are numerous honorary assistants who are active in the support of the senior and the youth.
The migration of Jewish immigrants from the States of the former Soviet Union influenced greatly all the fields of activity of the ZWST. At the beginning of the 90-ies new affiliates had been set up in Berlin, Schwerin, Dresden und Potsdam.
Fields of activity
The following tasks follow this organizational structure within the framework of the ZWST:
- Professional training and continuous learning offers for social workers
- Migrant counselling, regional integration and orientation workshops
- Promoting volunteering in its various forms
- Recreation terms and special travel offers for senior citizens
- Integration of individuals with disabilities and their families
- Holocaust survivors‘ care
- Holyday camps and travel offers for youth and children
- Professional training for Youth workers and counsellors
- Projects against Anti-Semitism and Xenophobe

Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland e.V.
Hebelstraße 6
60318 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 69/94 43 71-0
Fax: +49 69/49 48 17
Patron & Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees

Horst Koehler, Patron and former Head of State of Germany; Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister & Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees